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Gospel Outposts

Posted by Kendra Duty on

Good Friday has been aptly coined a “bright darkness.” The sadness of our Savior’s suffering and death brought earth-quaking, curtain-ripping, sun-hiding blackness to the earth, but on this side of history, we can see the hope of the resurrection rising on that dark day.

So do we mourn or do we rejoice? We absolutely mourn our sinfulness that required a payment made by our Savior Jesus Christ who was born as a helpless babe, lived a perfect life on the earth and suffered an excruciating death on our behalf. But then, as we reflect on the great chasm that has been restored between God and man (as only we can when we have seen the depth of our sin), we rejoice and celebrate Jesus’ finished work on our behalf, and say with the apostle Paul, “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!”

We must never get past this rejoicing...this brightness in our souls.

Beyond rejoicing, we can’t help but share this good news. As Gloria Furman writes, “we live in a post-Easter world in which we get to manage little gospel outposts for spreading the good news.” Jesus paid a costly sum with his precious blood. He paid for our earthly priesthood and chose us to be his ambassadors, to go and spread this good news with all.

Merrian-Webster defines ambassador as “an authorized representative or messenger.” When a messenger passes along wonderful news that is transferred again and again, the message endures and is multiplied in the process. Just like the little boy’s loaves and fish were multiplied in Matthew 14, so also will our “gospel outposts” with our children, our life groups, our disciples and co-workers. What we may view as small and lacking, can flourish and multiply in the hands of our great God if only we are willing to be used in that way.

Jacque Covington, New Life member and life group leader, understands her calling as an ambassador. She was first discipled by a woman at her church in Alabama, prior to their move to Texas. She says about her mentor, “She told me that the key is to invite people into your life and say, ‘Hey, come follow me,’ just like Jesus did“. What started with one faithful woman in Alabama grew and is now flourishing here in College Station, TX and only God knows where it will expand next.

Intentionality was modeled with Jacque who has now created a “gospel outpost” where young women from her life group are welcomed into her home to explore the riches of God’s word together. When asked how she began discipling these women she said, “I just decided I’m going to be more intentional and I’m going to ask them to do something with me.“ Oh, the simplicity of an invitation and a willing heart!

On this Good Friday, it’s wise not to neglect to meditate on your sin and Jesus’ loving sacrifice, but also remember that on this side of the resurrection we have a magnificent brightness that cannot be dimmed and must be shared with others.