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Family on Mission Together

Posted by Marcia Metzger on

Do you know anyone brave enough to take toddler boys halfway across the world to go on mission as a family, helping those in need?

Bill and Jacque Covington are just those brave souls. They have been part of our New Life church body for the past three years, as well as practicing physicians here in College Station. During the summer, they loaded up their two boys and went on a short-term mission trip to Kijabe, Kenya with Samaritan’s Purse World Medical Missions. This was the Covingtons’ third mission trip with Samaritan’s Purse, and every trip has been different. They went in faith and obedience in order to visit, help, and encourage.  Their focus was to help the long-term people who already serve there at the hospital.

Kijabe is up in the mountains not far from the border with Somalia, sitting at an elevation of about 7,000 feet. The area is forested, and the scenery, looking downhill from the mountains is wonderful.  The temperature usually hovers around 70 degrees. Although they saw no poisonous reptiles or insects, they did need to keep their windows closed to prevent the baboons from getting into the house where they stayed. The people who live in the area of Kijabe are mostly Christian, but Bill did treat some Muslim people from Somalia at the hospital. Both the hospital and nearby academy are staffed by Christian missionaries.

The main focus of their ministry was helping the long-term staff, many of whom needed a vacation from their overwhelming workload. Bill also treated victims of trauma, heart disease, and infections. He taught classes in the afternoon – going through a curriculum with people who work at the hospital. During his rounds, he was accompanied by five to ten people, who helped, observed, and listened.   

Meanwhile, Jacque looked after their toddler boys, who loved the novelty of doing new things like helping to hang laundry on the clothesline, collecting chicken eggs, and sweeping the porch -- chores they wouldn’t do in Texas. Bill and Jacque said that the boys were not an obstacle to their short-term mission trip, and they would encourage other couples with children to consider taking such trips. Their desire to do ministry together as a family is a challenge and encouragement to those with young children who may see their stage of life as an obstacle to ministry.

Bill and Jacque encouraged those looking into short mission trips to consider bringing items that missionaries can’t obtain overseas. Before they left College Station, they contacted the people there in Kijabe and asked if they needed anything from the States. They had requests for all sorts of things, such as shoes, books, Coffee Mate, and marshmallows.

They also advised that people who go on short-term missions trips should have realistic expectations about what they can accomplish, given the limitations of time, language, and culture. The Covingtons are a great reminder that one of New Life’s main goals is to support our missionaries well, even given all the limitations. If we can support a family or individual well, whether short or long-term, then we can have a relationship where we share some of the fruit of the ministry with them.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20